
Ugh! Braces!

So we started the braces process a couple months ago.  First they took a bunch of measurements and xrays and then the Dr came up with a game plan.  It seems my upper jaw is growing much slower than my lower jaw...and it's also sticking out further.  So if we didn't do anything, I would have a serious underbite.  So...of we go.
This was one of my first appointments.  For measurements and molds and things.

Here is my latest...actual brackets on the top teeth.  What Mom missed (she didn't take any good pictures) is when they put the jaw expander on a few weeks ago.  It's basically a device that is wrapped around 4 of my teeth and Mom uses a special tool each night to twist the device more open.  It's just a small twist, but we did it for a few weeks...until I had a gap in the front!  Then he told us to stop and wait.  While I waited, the gap closed itself!  Phew!

So now he's putting some brackets on...cuz I have a super wonky tooth up there on your right.

He used a small blow torch on the ends of the wire.

And now I'm all set.  Now where's the wax?