
Happy Birthday Kendall!

We went to Kendall's party today and had a blast! Yay! Oh, except I fell (or flew) off this spinning thing at the playground and scraped my chin just a little. For a little while after that, I was a little bummed and maybe embarrassed a little. Otherwise, the park was totally awesome! Happy Birthday Kendall!

Yummy cake!



Happy Birthday to ME!!!

Yup yup. I officially turned 5 today! All I want for my birthday (yeah, I know I got a big fat trip to Disneyland already...but....) is an electric toothbrush. :) Call me crazy! Electric toothbrushes are way cool!

Mommy made mini carrot cupcakes with cream cheese frosting and brought them to school for me to celebrate with my friends. (mini so we wouldn't have too much sugar...and carrot so that there's some nutritional value, even if it is marginal). But everyone loved them and some kids even asked for seconds. Thanks Mom!

5 candles in THAT tiny cupcake?

Okay, it works. But looks like my cupcake is on FIRE!

C'mon Brendan, help me blow!

Mmm...I inhaled mine.


Train ride and the scary civil war people

We went to ride the beach train today and it was really fun. We rode in the coach car the first time, but then, we rode outside when we came back. The ride was long, we went thru the forest and then down to the Boardwalk. I really wanted to stay at the boardwalk longer, but the next train would have been way too late. Mommy said maybe next time. :)

The awful thing about today was the civil war encampment and re-enactment. Mommy and Daddy seemed pretty excited about it...since they've only heard and seen on the news such things. Do people really get all dressed up and re-do it?? The answer is yes. Just check out some of our pictures. I, on the other hand, was not happy about it. First, lots of the boys and men had guns. I am not a fan. Then when were got back from the beach, they were actually starting the fighting and it was loud!!!!!! I couldn't handle it. Some nice man gave us earplugs, thank goodness!

PS. don't forget to check out a couple of my new movies....

Cool train, huh?

See that biker? Crazy!

The big steamer



Off to battle?

Mommies and Babies

Are these for real?


Should I join the dance team?

So, I was invited to join the Pre-repertory dance team at my dance school. What does that mean? I'd have to go to 2 dance classes a week, and perform at various local community events, and of course, perform at the recital next summer. I'd even have a special uniform and stuff. We are still thinking about it because it is a lot of commitment. But I have to say that I really love to dance! Only the really good kids were invited to join, so I must be pretty good. Should I do it?

BTW, I will be performing at the dance recital in mid-June. Can't wait!

Hooray! Dentist visit!

Yesterday, when Mommy told me we were going to see Dr. Kelly...I threw my arms up in the air and yelled, "Hooray!!!!!!!!" And then I proceeded to tell Mom, that I have been asking to go to the dentist for a long time and finally we are going and it made me so happy. I just love going to the dentist. The verdict on my teeth? I'm doing a good job of taking care of my teeth. But, I should floss more. My teeth are pretty crowded...My lower jaw is growing faster than my upper jaw and when I am ten, Mom and Dad will have to figure out what to do with my teeth. They are unfortunately, all over the place.


Happy Mother's Day!

I cooked breakfast...sorta...for Mommy! We ate outside on the patio and it was such and nice day! I was a great juice pourer!


Happy Birthday Charity

I had a great time at Charity's party. She's five! And it was a dance party at my dance school. How cool!

Disneyland plus LA

For my birthday (yes, it's early) I chose to go to Disneyland instead of having a big bash. In total, it was 2 days Disneyland, 1 day California Adventures. I absolutely loved it. We rode Autopia (I drove, of course), the Nemo Submarine, It's a Small World (twice), Flying dumbo, the circus train, the loop train, the steamship and probably something else, but I can't remember now. In CAdv, we rode the zephyr, mulhulland rollercoaster (yeah, me!), several times on the following...heimlich's chew chew train, dizzy lady bugs, bumper cars, and fliks flyers. All in all, we got a lot in and had a blast. Plus, we stayed with Paw Paw and Gung Gung a few days, and went to the beach a couple times. Love that LA beach! Here are some pics of the fun we had!

Riding on the Steamboat

Running through the sprinklers

Can you see me on this rollercoaster? This is the end of the ride

Here I am coming off of the ride....Phew! and white as a ghost

Turns out this was my favorite ride

At the front gates

Spinning Lady bug

Oh, and thanks to Mah Mah and Yeh Yeh for my Ezy Roller....LOVE IT!

First time Ice skating!