
Halloween Performance

Today, we had our Halloween performance at our mall. It was right at the beginning of the trick-or-treat event at the mall, so it was pretty crowded in there. Anyhow, we danced 3 dances! Our regular All 4 Love dance, then two new ones just for Halloween. The Adams Family theme song and the Monster Mash. I did really well with the last two dances, considering we maybe spent an hour in total learning both of them (I missed one rehearsal because I was sick). We even had costume changes (shirt and sometimes, shoes). Overall, a great performance!

Getting ready to rise....

Like my torn and bloodied shirt?

The Monster Mash!

Partnered up with Sophia


First one on stage

All 4 You baby!

High jumper


Parent Teacher Conferences

It's that time of year again...Parent Teacher Conferences! Mom went to see my teacher today, Ms B. Looks like I'm on track (or maybe a little ahead). I'm good at Math (it's kindergarten math, so counting, sorting, recognizing numbers, patterns). Mom and Dad have been doing addition with me (on my fingers) so I can do some of that too, tho that's not part of school yet. I'm doing well with sound spelling, but still have trouble with the middle sounds. I can write a simple sentence (maybe not all spelled correctly) and retell a familiar story. The list goes on and on. Ms B says that I participate in class just the right amount, and that I'm very eager to learn and am willing to try new things. Also, she said that when she's talking, she can see the questions forming in my head and the wheels are a spinning. Sounds good, right?

The other day, Mom was talking to one of my classmate's mom and she asked Mom which spelling school I go to....HUH? Yeah, apparently, I led my friend to believe that I went to spelling school and I was teaching her a new word everyday. One word she said I taught her? Abbreviation. What? Mom thought this was hilarious. What is a spelling school? I told Mom that I want to go to spelling school. That classmate goes to a special Math class once a week, so I thought a spelling school would be good. Maybe I need to get a tutor, just for fun. Ha ha.



I'm learning so much at school these days. My handwriting is getting better and better. Mom is definitely impressed and it has improved so much just in the two months of school. And....the big one....I can read!!!! Okay, so I can't read everything, but I can read some of those level 1 books. Awesome, right? It's all happening so fast! I love school and my teachers too. We do lots of crafts and arts and lots and lots of paperwork. Mom got me a binder so I could put all my paperwork in there....but it filled up so fast, she had to get me another one. And there's homework too. Every month, we get a packet and it's big. I tend to rush thru it, so Mom has to watch me closely. I have lots of friends at school too.


Got my flu shot last week and today...H1N1...and I cried and screamed and thrashed. It was awful. Horrific. And I heard...I have to get a booster? Lovely.

I used to be fine with shots, but not anymore. How did this happen?


Harvest Walk

We went to the Harvest Walk this weekend. It was fun and dirty, but this year, we were prepared. We also went to the aquarium and had lots of fun! Check out our loot from the farm!

Dinosaur Kale and swiss chard. Yum.

Salad made with butter lettuce and a romaine mix.


Squash, red bell peppers and heirloom tomatoes.

Fried Green Tomatoes

More red bells and squash!


Oh my, the rain!

So it rained like crazy the other day. I mean crazy rain. Dad drove me to school (it was picture day too, of all day!) on his way to work. Didn't get too wet. But Mom walked over with Brendan. We would have gotten pretty wet too if we had taken the car since there'd be two kids to buckle in and all. Anyhow, Brendan stayed in the stroller, wearing his yellow rainjacket and a garbage bag around his lowerhalf. The sunshade and the bag kept him pretty dry. I wore my waterproof ski jacket and rainboots. My pants were wet, but not too bad. Mom wore her Northface jacket and rainboots...but her jeans got ALLLLL wet! It was dripping down her jacket and onto her pants. Mom later found her waterproof pants...so next time, she'll be super dry. It was definitely a crazy day.

Oh, another thing, I'm sick. I have this cough that has been following me for several days now...but then I got a fever. I'm better now, but still on the road to recovery. What a trip. I've missed two days of school so far. Bummer.


The most awesomest pumpkin patch

Well, you can read about it on my brother's blog...
Yes, it was super duper cold that morning, but luckily we were there early, because as we were leaving....it was getting super duper crowded!



Happy Birthday Jenna!

So today we went to Jenna's house for her party. I even went in the jumpy house! Afterwards, I helped her open presents. And then we stayed for Auntie Kasie and Baby Elle to visit. Such a cutie. I didn't take a nap today, but instead rested for a bit with Mom. The day was so much fun...and I am pooped beyond words.

Jumping with Miss Lindsay

Waiting for cake.

Helping Jenna open presents

More present opening

Mommy with Baby Elle

Happy Birthday Jenna!