
Racing to my 9th Birthday!

I had my birthday party at K1 Speed with 11 of my friends.  Some from dance and some from school.  We each had 3 races, 1 practice, 1 Qualifying and 1 Race.  It was super fun, though some friends got tired....it's hard work driving!  Anyhow, we had a great time.  Thanks to all who came!

With some dance friends

Helping Tristan get registered.

We're the shortest racers around.

Waiting to get instructions.

Getting the 411.

Ready to race!

And I'm off!

I came in first for the practice race.

Waiting for the next race

I think that's Emily, Me, Nikki and Ashwin

In the final race, I came in second...to  Christina.  Man, she's fast!

With pal Tristan.  He got third.  That's pretty cool.


Happy Birthday Nikki!

Nikki turned 9 and had her birthday party at a laser tag place.  Both Brendan and I played, but Dad had to hold the sensor pack for Brendan.  It was a lot of fun and I'd really like to go again....

We were a little early, so we decided to stop by and check out the Google campus right down the road.
Mom saw these crazy looking bikes and decided to test them out.

B tried too..

It's a big place.

Cool bridge

Happy Birthday Nikki!

B enjoying his ice cream cookie sandwich.

With the dance gals.


No Ipod

Mom took the iPod away again.  We were fighting a lot.  We both felt like we weren't getting enough playtime on it.  So we argued all the time and Mom decided we were better off without it.  Look at what happened on this Friday afternoon without an iPod....


DIY Makerfaire time...

We came upon some dry ice...and after Makerfaire over the weekend...our minds were fresh with wacky ideas. Dry ice, soap, and a little water...makes funny bubbles!


Tristan's Dance Recital

We went to Tristan and Addison's dance recital in the city.  It was pretty entertaining.  And we got to play with our buddies afterwards.  Congrats to my pal Tristan for making it into San Francisco Ballet!  


Makerfaire 2013

Okay, it was pretty awesome.  I was kinda not in the mood at first, and it was pretty crowded, but we had a lot of fun at this year's Makerfaire.  We saw a lot of crazy things and the best part of it was the Coke and Mentos guys.   That was crazy!

Wish they would let us ride it too!

This floats?

Hey, Mom, we can do this to your car!

Funny mirror...

Now we see Mom and Brendan

These fish sing...and the lobsters too.

Everyone loves a free t-shirt!

We want one.

Listening to this guy...I forgot his name, but he's on TV


It was so cool.

And it went with some music too!

That thing spun around and around.

It looks cool...it's almost made from masking tape.  What?

With the Maker Bot

Mom test drove a Spark.  I'm sitting in the back.  



Pre-birthday party practice

My birthday party is coming up in a few weeks and I want to make sure I can do this....so here I am getting in some practice laps.  I sure don't want to come in last at my own party!!