
Chinese Tutor

Did I mention that Mom found us a Chinese tutor?  She's actually one of the TAs in my chinese class.   She was also my TA in Level 1.  She comes once a week for one hour.  And I share my session with Hannah.  She's in my class and lives near us, so it's easy for her to come over.  It actually helps having another student with me.  We have fun and laugh and Julia, the tutor, has us playing games too.  I was hesitant at first, but now I realize, it goes by quickly and we get the work done.  And we are learning! Mom is pretty happy too.

Brendan has some tutor time, too.  It's just 15 minutes because Mom goes over his homework with him.  My homework is too difficult and the vocabulary is harder for Mom.  Obviously, she did not pay attention in Chinese class.



Harry Potter is finished.  Last week.  Now I am on to Warriors.  It's good.


Masterchef Cameron?

Have you seen that show?  Masterchef Junior?  OMG.  I love that show.  It's awesome.  And amazing.  Those kids cook better than Mom.  Don't tell her though.  I was somewhat inspired by them, so have started sometimes, helping Mom and Dad in the kitchen.

Ok...Mom made those cutout bears...

Helping make the chicken pot pie soup!

Ninja Update

We moved Ninja to the playroom.  He likes it there better and we get to spend more time with him.  He has lots of room to run around and he usually gets chased around the lounger for extra exercise.  Mom has also gotten better at picking him up and holding him. He's more comfortable too.  We can hold him in our laps and pet him.  He likes it once he's there.


Golf @ Moffett

We're taking golf lessons.  Here are some pics of me...do I have nice form?