
Dance Videos

Here are the videos from my last dance competition of the 2015/2016 season.  


I'm as tall as Mom!

Yeah, it's official.  I'm as tall as Mom....and growing fast.  In August of last year (2015), I was probably a good 5 inches shorter.   And now....BOOM!  Growing like a weed!


Science Expo - Tower

The Science Expo at school was for extra credit and Mom and Dad said it would be a good idea to try it.  We had the choice of building a tower, a bridge, a catapult or do the traditional science fair board.  I decided to go for the tower.  We could use 1 box of flat toothpicks, glue and a spool of thread.  Also, there was a specific base and top size.  That part was given to us by the teacher.  And it could only weigh 71 grams. Oh, and the tower had to be able to hold at least 2 science books.  All these things had to met to qualify.  Mine came in at 70.1 grams and I knew it would take at least 4 books.

2 students went at a time and stacked books on their tower...this picture isn't me, but you can see that the books flattened this girls tower.  Smoosh.

I got to 19 books and then I tried to adjust the stack....and it came down.  There were loads more people after me, so the winning tower held 34 books....I still have a couple years to improve my tower.  Nice try though, huh?

Here's another video

Another video, not of me though.