
Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! I opened some presents this morning and it was a lot of fun. One of my favorite toys is the vacuum cleaner I got from Auntie CC. It’s really cool and is just like Mommy’s!! I got so many toys! Everyday, I thank Mommy for my baby brother. He is so cool. I love to give him kisses (very gently, of course) and to “po po” him. I love him very very much. Gung gung is here now, so we have a full house and it’s great.


Drumming away

So here I am doing my best drumming. Too bad there wasn't any sound on this camera. Woulda been really cool, huh?

Quick trip to LA

I am in LA now with Pawpaw and Gung gung. I’m helping Pawpaw clean her house because of the repairs they have been doing. I get to play the drums and sleep under a tent! It’s so fun. But, I miss my little brother and Mommy and Daddy. No worries, I’ll be back at home in a few days!


It’s Pawpaw’s bday!

Happy Bday Pawpaw! I helped Pawpaw finish all her cakes! Delicious!


Holding baby

I held baby Brendan! It was really cool! Paw paw takes me to visit Mommy and Brendan and Daddy at the hospital for dinner time. It’s fun there cuz there are a lot of things to play with.


Baby Brendan

My baby brother Brendan Patrick Tsang was born! I barely finished my breakfast and Daddy called to say he was here! I visited him at the hospital after my breakfast. I love him and I kiss him all the time.


Yay, Pawpaw!

Pawpaw is here now. She is helping to take care of me. Mommy is almost ready to deliver my baby brother. I can’t wait. I love it when my friends come over to my house. I get really really excited and run around hysterically. It’s pretty fun. Our new house is so much bigger than our old apartment. I love it. And I love my room. It’s so big. We got a big bed in my room now. It’s part of a bunk. Though, I’m not ready to sleep in it just yet. ;)