
2nd Birthday!

So my birthday party was a blast. All my friends came to celebrate with me. Paw paw and Gung Gung came all the way from LA too! We had a bbq at the park and we had some really yummy food…though I was too busy playing and running around. Mommy even had to change my clothes once since I got all wet trying to fish. After the party, I was so tired! Phew!


New Orleans

Just returned from almost a week in New Orleans visiting Yeh yeh, Mah mah, and Auntie CC. I had so much fun and did so many things! It was fun playing in the restaurant, and helping sort those soy sauce packets. I'm pretty good at sorting! I also went swimming a few times (splashing). Some of my new words, swim, splash, thank you, stroller, zoo, mingo (for flamingo), monkey, giraffe, chomp chomp, push, plane, jaguar, diaper, choco (chocolate). The Audubon zoo was open, so we went to check it out and saw all kinds of animals. But, I did hurt one of my toes on the door, and bonked my head a few times. Oops, I was too excited! All in all, I had a great trip and got to eat lots of good food. I especially like fish, and baby corn, and those things called baby trees (but I only like the leaves)!


Some new words

Pretty, bug, book, water, flower, dog (instead of just woof), snail, two. If you ask me how old I am, I will usually say "two". I also can say "no more" (two words together!!!!) and "no mama". I also say Daddy (used to be Dada) and Baby (was baba). I am learning some manners...sometimes I will say please. Mommy and Daddy have also started putting me in the naughty corner (ala supernanny). The first few times, I ran away, but now I just stand there (and cry). I get put there because I threw food or threw something other than a ball.

I miss Jenjen and Uncle and Auntie and Pawpaw and Gung gung. After bedtime stories, I always ask Mommy about them. She tells me they all went night-night. And I ask about Daddy too. :)

Over the weekend, Auntie Lily and Auntie Betty babysat me. It was fun, we worked on an art project with the sticks and things I picked up outside. I hope they come over again. I will show you my artwork next time!