
Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! I opened some presents this morning and it was a lot of fun. One of my favorite toys is the vacuum cleaner I got from Auntie CC. It’s really cool and is just like Mommy’s!! I got so many toys! Everyday, I thank Mommy for my baby brother. He is so cool. I love to give him kisses (very gently, of course) and to “po po” him. I love him very very much. Gung gung is here now, so we have a full house and it’s great.


Drumming away

So here I am doing my best drumming. Too bad there wasn't any sound on this camera. Woulda been really cool, huh?

Quick trip to LA

I am in LA now with Pawpaw and Gung gung. I’m helping Pawpaw clean her house because of the repairs they have been doing. I get to play the drums and sleep under a tent! It’s so fun. But, I miss my little brother and Mommy and Daddy. No worries, I’ll be back at home in a few days!


It’s Pawpaw’s bday!

Happy Bday Pawpaw! I helped Pawpaw finish all her cakes! Delicious!


Holding baby

I held baby Brendan! It was really cool! Paw paw takes me to visit Mommy and Brendan and Daddy at the hospital for dinner time. It’s fun there cuz there are a lot of things to play with.


Baby Brendan

My baby brother Brendan Patrick Tsang was born! I barely finished my breakfast and Daddy called to say he was here! I visited him at the hospital after my breakfast. I love him and I kiss him all the time.


Yay, Pawpaw!

Pawpaw is here now. She is helping to take care of me. Mommy is almost ready to deliver my baby brother. I can’t wait. I love it when my friends come over to my house. I get really really excited and run around hysterically. It’s pretty fun. Our new house is so much bigger than our old apartment. I love it. And I love my room. It’s so big. We got a big bed in my room now. It’s part of a bunk. Though, I’m not ready to sleep in it just yet. ;)



Our house is almost finished! Daddy is working hard at putting all the finishing touches on this place and I love it! I try to help Daddy as often as I can. I love tools. One of these days, I’ll have to get my own toolbelt. I’ve learned a lot in the last few months. My vocabulary is huge now. Some of my favorite things to say…Awesome, delicious, It’s a nice day, Are you happy? Is Daddy happy? What are you doing? Mommy, I love you! I want to watch anything. Save for Daddy? I can make lots and lots of different kinds of sentences. I can also sing “Frere Jacques”, well, the first two lines anyhow. And I think I’m taller now. I probably weigh about 28 pounds. I also ask a lot of questions and I am not shy, usually. I was sick last week, and so was Mommy. It was a bummer because I missed my playgroups. I love to eat bagels and cream cheese! Blueberries and strawberries are still my favorite fruits, but I also like Asian pears, apples, grapes and bananas. My favorite veggies are peas and corn. Sometimes I like broccoli, but not always. I don’t like spinach, but onions are pretty good. I still don’t like eggs, except when I have tamago at Japanese restaurants. I love udon noodles too.


Happy Halloween!

I went trick-or-treating at Santana Row with Mommy. It was really fun, but there were a lot of kids out with their Mommies too. Luckily, it was nice and cool so that I could wear my purple dragon costume! I got lots of treats that I will share with Daddy and Mommy.


We moved!

Into a new big house with lots of rooms and places for me to run and hide. I’ve been adjusting just so-so. I’m not sure what’s going on, so I’ve been cranky sometimes. Mom and Dad are so busy unpacking. And they can’t get the tv to work, either, so I am bummed. I like my new room. It’s big and I can’t wait to get more furniture. It seems so empty right now. Mommy has been taking me to this place called Kidspark about once a week. It’s like a drop-in daycare. Mommy goes and runs her errands, while I play! It’s so fun because they have art projects (I love glue) and singing and dancing and snacks. The teachers are really nice and take good care of me. I can’t wait for Halloween to go trick-or-treating in my new neighborhood. It’s a nice area and there is a park nearby.


Mommy took me to the Pumpkin Patch on Grant Road in Mountain View. I met up with my friends Mimi, Marissa, and Baby Ethan. It was fun! At first, it was chilly, and wearing my dragon costume was okay, but then the sun came out and I was boiling!



I just came back from LA and San Diego. I was visiting Paw paw and Gung gung. They took me to the SD Zoo to see the giant pandas! And the best part was hanging out with my cousin Jenna and going to her birthday party. It was super fun! She’s so lucky cuz she got a Dora cake and all sorts of Dora and Diego toys. How fun! I also started to get to know Maggie-dog. She’s a nice doggy, but she is big and I am a little bit afraid.


Did I tell you that I can now jump and both my feet come off the ground? For real! It is so fun jumping, I could do it all day! Mommy took me to the Oakland Zoo the other day and it was way fun. I saw giraffes, elephants, zebras, monkeys, a giant turtle and lions and tigers. Mommy was really tired because it was a pretty hilly zoo. I did good though and walked up the big hill, so Mommy didn’t have to push me. We also went on a train ride that was pretty cool. And the Merry go round too. I had fun. My pal Tristan was going to come, but he got a fever that day. He’s feeling better now. ☺ I’m going to LA/SD with Pawpaw and Gung gung. They are taking me on a trip to the San Diego Zoo, Legoland and Jenna’s birthday party! I can’t wait to sing Happy Birthday to her. That’s my favorite song! Oh, and I really am excited to see the Panda bears at the SD Zoo.


Real Labor Day

It’s Labor Day and Daddy asked his friends over to our new place to do just that….labor. Uncle Ken, Uncle Ryan, and Uncle Joel came and worked on the little projects that Daddy has. I think they enjoyed getting dirty, but I’m sure they were tired after. ☺ My language skills are getting better too. I can say “complex” sentences and also have conversations with Mommy. I’ll say, “what do today?”…”maybe go zoo”…”animals, zebra, giraffe, horsey, bird, flamingo…zoo”. Or I’ll say, “me pour sand in tower”…”make spin around”…”me turn over stuck”…Pretty good huh? I know, not exactly grammatically correct, but there’s a thought process there. Some days I eat pretty well, but other days, not so. I don’t like spinach or any other leafy green, though I suspect Mom is trying to sneak them in somewhere….I like corn and peas, though.

Did I tell you that I am going to have a few new friends soon? First, in December, I’m going to welcome a baby brother! Yippee!!! And then in January, Auntie Jen and Uncle Ken will have a baby boy. Also, Auntie Sarah and Uncle Kelvin will have another boy, and then in February, Auntie Lydia and Uncle Ryan will have a baby too! Wow, lots of little friends soon! I’m so excited, cuz I love babies!


Happy Hollow

Lately, Mommy has been taking me to Happy Hollow Park and Zoo, and the Children’s Museum again. I have lots of fun there. At HHPZ, they have a few animals only, not like the big zoo in SF. But I still like to see the jaguar and the lemurs. It’s fun. Then they have these fun rides that I can ride by myself! It’s pretty cool. Just like a big boy. The CDM is fun too. I especially like the paint wall and art room. The last few times they had play dough, which I LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!! And of course the water area – where I get super soaked. Super fun!

We went to the Cheesecake factory in Palo Alto to celebrate Uncle Joel’s birthday. It was a lot of fun hanging out with Mommy’s friends and my good pal Tristan. We didn’t eat all that well, though everyone else did! We watched and danced with the Wiggles! Then, I ate Mommy’s cheesecake. Delish!


Happy Birthday Tristan!

Tristan had a big party at his new house. It was awesome! Tristan is so lucky, he has such a nice place and lots of toys! Plus, we had some really good food too. Uncle Ken gave me some golf tips and played ball with me. I have a pretty good throwing arm (must’ve been all that rock throwing at the beach). We stayed for hours and hours and had cake too. Yum, cake!


I rowed boat with Gung gung again today. It was awesome. I wore my special life jacket and everything. I had so much fun. I hope I get to go one more time before I go back home to San Jose. I can say a lot of things now and make sentences. I don’t usually say “I ….” But use “me” instead. Like, “me do it” or “me eat it”. And I can converse with Mommy too. I’ll say, “me eat nectarine” and she’ll say, “we ate them all. There are no more nectarines.” And I’ll say, “buy some nectarine”. Pretty good huh? Paw paw took me to McDonalds many times and I often request to eat at McDonalds…he he he! Other stuff I like to do is help Paw paw with the chores like swiffering and vacuuming as well as dusting. Pawpaw bought me some plastic food items and I have been having a ball making “lunch” or “breakfast” for Pawpaw, Gung gung and Mommy. I’m very good at playing pretend now.



We went to Vancouver for a couple of days. I had a great time and enjoyed some delicious (new word) food. The best part was the xiao long bao! I ate 4 of them at one sitting. But I don’t eat them like Gung gung. First I squeeze the meat out and just eat the wrapper, then I eat the meatball. Yum! I spent an afternoon watching big kids get ready for a kayaking lesson on Granville Island, and even went to ask their teacher if I could join. But, hey, I’m only two. Mom got me a pair of little chopsticks, since I kept trying to use hers. The little ones are better and I get use them to eat noodles. Other foods are too hard to pick up, but I’ll keep trying.


GG caught 3 crabs tonight. And I ate some and really really liked it. Yummy, I told PP. Plus, I touched the crab after PP cleaned them. They were dirty.


I woke up early early today….to go fishing! Yup, we all got up early and went to the Point-No-Point beach for some fishing. PP caught a little fish and I helped her reel it in. It was so fun, I keep asking to go fishing again. GG gave me my own fishing pole (no line or hook though) and I “fished”. Also, YeePaw is here visiting. She’s pretty fun too. I can say a lot more these days. Like when it’s time for dinner, I go to GG room and tell him, “ Gung gung, dinner ready”. And I know that PP’s name is Rose. My pronunciation is getting better too…though Gung gung is still dung dung. Oh well.


Mommy came back! I stayed in Seattle with PP and GG for two whole weeks, while Mommy went back to San Jose to help Daddy take care of our new house. But, I heard it was broiling hot in California. Thank goodness I was in Seattle with the extra pleasant weather. I learned a lot of things these past couple of weeks. You’ll have to check my pics. I love going down to the beach and splashing and throwing rocks into the water. I also love to look for baby crabs underneath the rocks. I’ve been really really good at watering my tomatoes, carrots and beets in my little garden on the side of the house. I check on them everyday! I also went kite flying for the first time. It was amazing! PP and GG bought me a kite with a big duck on it! They also took me to the lavendar festival. Boy, did it smell good there. On Bainbridge Island, there is a little children’s museum. It’s pretty fun there. I’ll have to take Mommy there. I made a new friend with Clifford, PP and GG’s friend up here. He’s really nice to me. PP has me help her with the lawn. I help look for mole holes and I use my little shovel to spread out the dirt that they pile up.


We went to the Kingston Farmer’s Market today. I rode my trike around (was pushed) the market. And we bought a little wind-bird that Paw Paw put up on our deck. When we got home, I helped Gung Gung do some dirty work. We scraped the yucky barnacles off the bottom of the boat. It was stinky work. Did I water my vegetables today?


Today, Gung Gung took me out on his rowboat! I wore my special life jacket and a big hat. It was FUN!!!! I even got to put my hand in the water while we rowed along. And I tried to row too, but the oar was so big. After a little row around the bay, I threw pebbles into the little waves. And I even took a few steps into the water. I had so much fun! Kerplop! I’ve also started a rock collection. Everyday, I go down to the water and pick out a new rock. I’ll be sure to get a picture of them. ☺


I counted from 4-10 all by myself….Mommy counted from 1-3 and then I counted from there up to 10! Yippee. But afterwards, I couldn’t count in order….I was all jumbled from the excitement. I also say ABC…but that’s it. No more letters than that. I like the ABC song too. This month I am up in Seattle with Paw Paw and Gung Gung. Paw Paw planted a vegetable garden and I am helping her water it everyday. It’s so quiet here that I take really really long naps. Like 2 or more hours! And I sleep about 11 hours at night. I have my own room in the back, so it’s super duper quiet. I can’t wait for Gung Gung to take me out on the boat. Mommy bought me a special baby life jacket to wear when I go out on the water. I hope I don’t fall in!


I finally had my 2 year checkup. All is well. I’m 32.5 inches tall, and 27.5 pounds. My head circumference is 51cm. Tomorrow, I will be 25 months old! Yippee!


My newest word is nectarine! Yup, it’s a hard one. I love eating nectarines. My other big word is chocolate…as in chocolate milk, my favorite! I’ve also started putting 2 or even 3 words together. “See me” means I want to see. “Mommy read” is Mommy read this to me. I also say “Daddy to work”. I learn new words every day! I also recognize Mommy and Daddy’s friends and I can say most of their names.


We celebrated Daddy and Uncle Kelvin’s bday’s today. We went to Tristan’s new house and it is awesome. I can’t wait to go there again. Tristan has a cool train table that is super fun. And a playhouse. We had yummy dimsum and lots of cake! I love cake! Sometimes at the park, I will make a “sand cakes” with stick candles and ask Mommy to sing….cuz I want her to sing the Happy Birthday song! ☺ When I say it, it comes out “Happy to you”. Ooops.


2nd Birthday!

So my birthday party was a blast. All my friends came to celebrate with me. Paw paw and Gung Gung came all the way from LA too! We had a bbq at the park and we had some really yummy food…though I was too busy playing and running around. Mommy even had to change my clothes once since I got all wet trying to fish. After the party, I was so tired! Phew!


New Orleans

Just returned from almost a week in New Orleans visiting Yeh yeh, Mah mah, and Auntie CC. I had so much fun and did so many things! It was fun playing in the restaurant, and helping sort those soy sauce packets. I'm pretty good at sorting! I also went swimming a few times (splashing). Some of my new words, swim, splash, thank you, stroller, zoo, mingo (for flamingo), monkey, giraffe, chomp chomp, push, plane, jaguar, diaper, choco (chocolate). The Audubon zoo was open, so we went to check it out and saw all kinds of animals. But, I did hurt one of my toes on the door, and bonked my head a few times. Oops, I was too excited! All in all, I had a great trip and got to eat lots of good food. I especially like fish, and baby corn, and those things called baby trees (but I only like the leaves)!


Some new words

Pretty, bug, book, water, flower, dog (instead of just woof), snail, two. If you ask me how old I am, I will usually say "two". I also can say "no more" (two words together!!!!) and "no mama". I also say Daddy (used to be Dada) and Baby (was baba). I am learning some manners...sometimes I will say please. Mommy and Daddy have also started putting me in the naughty corner (ala supernanny). The first few times, I ran away, but now I just stand there (and cry). I get put there because I threw food or threw something other than a ball.

I miss Jenjen and Uncle and Auntie and Pawpaw and Gung gung. After bedtime stories, I always ask Mommy about them. She tells me they all went night-night. And I ask about Daddy too. :)

Over the weekend, Auntie Lily and Auntie Betty babysat me. It was fun, we worked on an art project with the sticks and things I picked up outside. I hope they come over again. I will show you my artwork next time!


Almost 23 months update

So, what's new? Well, I went to LA to visit Jenna, Uncle Chris, Auntie Susan, Pawpaw and Gung gung. I can call everyone by name...sort of. Jenna is "jenjen", then "un-ko", auntie, pawpaw, and "dudu". For some reason, I can't do the "k" sound at the beginning of a word, but it's okay at the end (like "work" and "book") So, I can't say cook, instead I say "dook". I can also tell the difference between big and little (le-ko), usually I am talking about little sticks and big sticks. I had a great time playing with Jenna. She is fun! I was also very good on the plane ride with Mommy. Mostly I sat and ate snacks, or rested on Mommy. I also really like to read those magazines in the front seat pocket. Besides pretending to cook soup, I also pretend to go to work. I put on a bag (one of mommy's purses) over my shoulder, grab daddy's keys, say "bye" to everyone, sometimes with kisses, and head for the door. Luckily for Mommy and Daddy, I can't unlock the door yet. I've been practicing buckling things so that I'll soon be able to buckle my own seatbelt. I can usually do it for my high chair, but the car seat buckles are pretty tricky. Check out my pics with Jenjen.



I spent the weekend with Jenna in LA. It was loads of fun. I can't wait until the summer to do this again. Awesome


Walk around the block

Yesterday after dinner, Daddy, Mommy and I walked around the block (it's a nice circle). I picked up lots of sticks along the way. I was pretty good and stayed on the path, for the most part. I almost made it all the way round, but in the end, had to be carried for the last bit. I was sweating up a storm! Once around is half a mile, so I almost did it. Aren't you proud? I usually don't like to walk - not even from the garage to our front door!
My newest words are "jen-jen" for cousin Jenna, and purple (purkle). I can also say flower (but it doesn't exactly sound like that). I am talking more now, and repeating words too. I'm not pronouncing very well, but I am trying real hard. :)


Jenna Visits

Jen-jen came to visit this weekend and we had a super great time. We were laughing and running and playing. Check out some of the pictures in "23rd month". We shared raisins and cheerios at lunch. Daddy made a nice lunch for everyone, Auntie Kasie, Pawpaw Yvonne, Auntie Susan and Uncle Chris. But we only wanted to eat raisins and cheerios. :) After lunch, we played and played until we were zonked! I took a super duper nap. Phew! Then she came over again on Monday. I really like cousin Jen-jen. I hope we get to play together more.


Twist on, Twist off! Plus pics from Mommy's Bday

I've learned how to twist bolts and screws off of my tool truck! I can twist off with my left hand, and twist on with my right. I can say lots more words now, over 50. You have to spend a lot of time with me to understand me though. My newest word is "Uncle" (un-ko). My Uncle Steve came over for dinner and we had a blast playing. The next day at dinner, I asked Mommy where "un-ko" was. I also love Dora movies. Pawpaw got me hooked on them. The other day at gym class, I scooted my hands and feet across the uneven bars. It was crazy fun. But my favorite is still the balance beams. I can almost jump too. It's really hard, but I'm practicing every day! Daddy went on a business trip to Portland, so Mommy's been taking really good care of me. She's holding down the fort! Another new word that I learned was "dark", and I usually say it when I am going to bed. Daddy is getting me a night light. I can't wait for my birthday, I'll be TWO soon! Yippee, I'm a big boy!


Pat a cake

When Mommy reads me this nursery rhyme, I do the "pat" and the "roll" with my hands! And I also pretend to "play the violin (fiddle)" when she reads ''The Cat and the Fiddle". In fact, I can almost say "violin". Okay well, you probably wouldn't know that was what I was trying to say, but Mommy can figure it out. I am saying a lot more these days, though my pronunciation is quite rough. But I am trying.

I've been doing okay these days. Getting a little rowdy sometimes. I love to spin or run in circles. It's funny. And I am a great climber now too. Check out my hiding picture. My balance is much better.

Over the weekend, I went to the SF Zoo with my pal Tristan. We had a blast. I roared like the lion! Roar! And a few days before, Uncle Kelvin and Tristan came over to play. Tristan loves to play with trains.

I've been very good at taking care of "baby", my doll. She usually doesn't leave home, so when we are at home, I spend a lot of time with her. I make sure to feed her some of my food, and to show her things in the books that Mommy reads. Sometimes when we are singing songs, I will help her clap and dance. And when she cries, I hold her and pat her on the back. Sometimes Mommy will sing "rock a bye baby" and I'll rock "baby" so she can take a nap.

22 months


No no no no no

I've finally caught on to this word. I hardly ever hear Mommy or Daddy say it, so I didn't know about it, but now....well, it's just a really fun word! Another "word" I use is "lala", which usually stands for blueberry (my absolute must-have after dinner favorite) or strawberry. I'm not a very good dinner-eater these days. I usually like to have fun with my food. It's okay since I eat a pretty good breakfast and lunch. Plus I usually eat lots of fruit after dinner. YUM!

Today was my last art class (I had 4). It's really hard because I just like putting the paint or glue or sprinkles all in one spot. I don't like to spread it around, so the paper gets really soggy. I did enjoy playing with the playdough. My gym class is hard too. Most of the kids in class are 3, so they really know what they're doing. I'm just learning to jump, but I don't get much, if any, air. I really enjoy the tunnel and the balance beam. I pretty good at balancing, but I do need Mommy's help. I hope I get the hang of the class soon. I like to watch the class more than actually participate. I come home and then try out some of the stuff they did. Like today, I did "superman". You know, lie on your tummy and lift your arms like you are flying!

Make sure you check the 22 month pics. You can see if I look like Mommy did when she was young. Also, don't forget to sign my guestbook.


Uh oh!

Once in a while, I do something that maybe I shouldn't have, I'll say "Uh oh!" Recently, I've become terribly afraid of animals. I only like to look at them from afar. But if they get near me, I run straight for Mommy and try to get myself up ASAP! I also started acting up...I am almost 2 afterall. It's the terrible two's! I probably won't get to eat out again for a while. Oops. Now I know who "me" is. Daddy points to my picture and says who's that, and I'll say "meeeeeee." But a double "me" is my friend, Mimi, and I like to say her name too! Mommy signed me up for a gym class. It's pretty hard and I don't like all the activities. I am pretty good at the balance beams though. I also have an art class. It's great because I get to make a major mess and Mommy doesn't mind. I don't go to Gymboree anymore since we have all these other classes.



I got another haircut today! It's much shorter than the last time. I was really good and sat in the red car and drove all around while watching Madagascar on the big screen TV. After my haircut, we went to the pet store and we looked at birds and mice and fish! It was fun.



I am back from over a week at Pawpaw and GungGungs. I was going to come home with Mommy on Tuesday, but she got the stomach flu (so did Daddy), so we had to stay a few days extra. I had a great time though. I went to the park everyday, and the library and grocery shopping and everywhere with Pawpaw. Even to meet all her pawpaw friends at Starbucks. I learned a few new words too. Up, down, rice, and please, oh and row, as in Row, row, row your boat! I can even add in the arm movement. Another arm thing I learned was how to flap my arms like a bird! Ask me, "how does a bird fly?" and I will flap my arms! When I saw Daddy waiting for us at the airport, I ran as fast as I could to him. I missed Daddy a lot! He said I grew! Wow! When I get a chance, I'll post pics. Don't forget to sign my new guestbook!



My weekend was awesome! I was the ringbearer in Uncle Ken and Auntie Jen's wedding. It was a lot of fun. I tried to dance with an older girl, but I guess I was too short or something. You should've seen me though. I was decked out in some nice duds! Shirt, vest, and velvet jacket. Plus shiny new black shoes! I also learned how to make movies. Maybe I'll be a director someday. I think I pooped myself out, because the next day, I ran a fever and could barely move. Luckily, Mommy, Daddy, Pawpaw and Gung gung were there to snuggle me all day! I recovered overnight and was as good as new on this President's Day. So good in fact, that I went down to LA with Pawpaw and Gung gung. I think I'll have a great week visiting them, don't you?



I said "Apple" today! It must be because Mommy feeds me yummy "baked" apples with cinnamon. I can eat an entire apple all by myself. Do you want the recipe? Its easy. Just cut up a peeled apple into cubes, sprinkle as much cinnamon as you like, toss, and then microwave for 2 minutes. Eat it hot or cold. Yum!



Check out my new pictures from the Chinese New Year Parade. Daddy took me to watch the parade and I had a great time. I waved at all the floats and cars and I really liked the music and dancing. It was the first time we had seats at a parade, so we were able to watch all the performances. I even got Lay see from the Mayor! Daddy also took me to the Metreon and the Yerba Buena Gardens. I had fun running around. It was such a nice sunny day too. Later, we had dinner at the Buckhorn...yummy tri-tip!

My new word is "YESSSSSSS". Mommy and Daddy still haven't taught me the word "No", so I use "YES" for everything. I also know what the bee says (bzzzzzz) and what the duck says. I also really like cereal with milk for breakfast. Usually, the cereal (Heart to heart from Kashi) is quite soggy and there usually isn't much milk, but I have fun eating it. Plus, I get to drink the milk straight from the bowl afterwards. Mommy has been making "baked cinnamon apples" for my after dinner treat. It's really yummy and Mommy says it super easy to make.



I've been taking very good care of my baby doll. She's eating with us now. I have Mommy put her in the seat next to Daddy. I like it when Mommy feeds one bite to baby, and then I eat one bite. :) I've also been teaching baby to identify things in the books Mommy and Daddy read me. I hold her hand and help her point at the things that Mommy is talking about. Sometimes, we take naps together. But she sleeps in the little house at night. Usually in the mornings, I try to share some of my milk with her. She's pretty thirsty, you know? When we go out, Mommy says I can't take baby out because she has to sleep. Why is she so tired all the time?
Also, I've started saying Pawpaw, Mommy and Daddy when I see them in pictures. (Before, I would just point when asked "where Daddy?", now it's "who's that?" Cool, huh?



Happy Chinese New Year! I went to dim sum today in my Kung Fu outfit. It's a pretty stylin' outfit, isn't it? I also blew bubbles today. That was fun! We had Neen Go for dessert today too. Sticky and gooey and oh, so yummy! My new "thing" is spinning my hands and Mommy sings "Wheels on the bus". It's taken me a while to master that one, but I finally did it. I've also started "coloring". I usually draw fish or birds...well, I start with the intention of drawing a fish or a bird. You know, modern art. :) My doodlepro is pretty good for drawing too.



I got my 2nd real real haircut (by that I mean at a salon). I actually behaved this time. No crying, though you could say I was thrilled. The red car I sat in had great buttons and I pretended I was driving to see Daddy. Anyhow, check out my pics in 20th month!

And I said my first 2 syllable word. BUBBLE!!!!! Yay me!



Today I woke up with a slight limp...hmmm...I think I might have had a cramp in my leg. Mommy took me to the doctor and he couldn't figure it out. It must have been a cramp. I didn't complain or anything...I just walked funny. And I pointed to my toes to let Mommy know that's where it was bothering me. We'll have to see if I walk okay tomorrow.

At the doctor's office, I got weighed and weigh in at a whopping 24 pounds 12 oz!!!!! All this good eating is doing my body good!



What's new with me? Well, I'm still eating really well. I really like barbecue sauce...smothered over anything! I've eaten some strange things lately. Mommy and Daddy were eating frutti de mare, and I ate a few mussels. It was okay. I also ate quail drumsticks. It was okay. I really love peas and corn. Sometimes, I'll eat a whole bowl. I also really like gnocchi. Yum! I'm back to eating oatmeal nuggets.

I like holding hands with my friends. It makes the walk nicer. And yesterday, at Gymboree, a girl kissed me on the cheek. Mommy has been borrowing books from the library and I love it! I can read ten books all in a row (well, Mommy reads them to me). Now that I don't tear the pages, Mommy says it's okay to get the books from the library. No need for those cumbersome board books anymore. I can also "stomp" my feet when Mommy sings "When you're happy and you know it...". I also do "touch my nose", "clap your hands", "pat your head", "touch your toes" and "rub your belly". See how well I follow directions now?

Mommy puts me down for my nap with baby. She tells me that baby is sleeping and I shouldn't wake her, so when she puts me down, I try to be quiet. I haven't been crying like I usually do (a minute or two). Though sometimes, I can't help talking to baby. I'm still napping and sleeping pretty well.

Have you seen my pimped out ride? Daddy got me the footrest, seatbelt, bell, and basket. And when I wear the helmet, I am all decked out! Yeah, I've got an awesome ride!!!



My cousin (2nd?) Thomas was born today. (Mommy's cousin Janice is his mommy). Can't wait to meet him.



My friend Marissa's brother Ethan was born today 1/11/06! Congratulations Marissa, you're a big sister!



Okay, dim sum is my favorite food. First of all, the food is on the table before I sit down...well, just super duper fast. My favorite dim sum is 'jeen dur' (sesame balls), then 'cha sui bao' (bbq pork buns), 'law mei fan' (sticky rice in lotus leaf) and 'cheung fun' (rice noodles). I also sometimes have 'ham suir gock' and 'sui mai'. Yummy! I am always down for dim sum.

My sleep schedule has been great since we got back from LA. I go to bed at 9 and then I wake up around 830. My nap has been awesome too. I usually nap from 2-4. So I've been getting some good sleep. :)



I've finally figured out the slides. Now I can go down them (on my tushie, of course) all by myself! I even went down a spiral one. It was super fun! I'm also good at going up stairs while holding on to the rail. I guess all the practice at Pawpaw and Gung gung's house really helped.



I just got back from Pawpaw and Gung gung's house. I had a great Christmas break. I spent a few days without Mommy and Daddy at first. PP and GG made sure I had a good time, so I didn't miss Mommy and Daddy at all. But when they came, I was very happy. On Christmas Day, we opened presents....and as you can see from the pictures, I had a blast. Climbing the stairs was one of my favorite activities. And playing with Gung gung's drum set and computer. I've been busy taking care of my baby doll and making soup for her. I even pretend to change her diaper and pat her when she cries. I can't wait for the movie "Happy Feet" to come out. It was in the previews of March of the Penguins. They showed a penguin tap dancing....I pretended I was the penguin and danced like crazy. I could watch that part over and over and over again.

I went to Manhattan Beach one day. I played in the sand and crushed Daddy's sand castles. That was a fun day, because after that, it started to rain. And then we didn't go out much. Good thing I got so many toys for Christmas. These days, I can say Mommy, Daddy and Pawpaw pretty well. I had a very hard time with "Gung Gung" and usually resort to giving Gung gung a kiss instead. It's easier that way. I've also learned to "show my teeth" which is sorta like smiling, but it's pretty funny looking. Hee hee.

My first road trip was the drive up from LA. It went pretty well. The first hour, I read all my books and then played with all my car toys. Then, I watched videos for the next 2 hours. I know, I shouldn't, but I kept crying, so M & D let me watch. We stopped for lunch at Harris Ranch and the food was yummy! I had a little of everything and lots of fruits. After lunch, I napped and by the time I woke up, we only had about an hour or so to go. Mommy didn't let me watch videos anymore, so I played with my toys and read some books again. It was pretty boring this time around, but I survived. Finally, we got home and I was so happy....because I got to play with all my new toys again! Yippeee! I guess I didn't do too badly for my first long road trip. I think it took us around 6.5 hours...not bad.