
I can go all by myself!

Today, I went to the potty all by myself!   Without telling anyone that I had to go or without having to be asked.  It was my first time!  Aren't you proud?

We also went to cousin Jenna and Lindsay's house.  It's big.   We had lots of fun playing together and running around the house.  The only thing is that I'm scared of Maggie the dog, but I guess I'll have to get used to her.  Brendan wasn't scared of her, though.  I'm so happy that Jenna will be nearby.  Then we can play together more.  We do play well together.  :)


I can see!

Well, of course. But I had my eyes checked out by Auntie Susan (Joshua's mommy). Mommy went in to get her eyes checked, and so I wanted mine done too. I looked at a farmhouse in the little box, then read letters and shapes and numbers on the wall. Auntie also looked at my eyes with a really bright light. She said I was being very good. :) I'm about 20/30...maybe 20/25, but by the time we got to that row of letters, I didn't want to read them anymore. Otherwise, it was really fun.


Still potty training...

I'm still working on the pt...it's going well. And I'm so sad that Yeh Yeh left. I wanted to go with him on the airplane. Boohoo. It was fun hanging out with Yeh Yeh and I hope he comes back to visit soon.

Since I can read numbers (and letters) now, I have a clock in my room. I only see the first number (Mommy says I get confused by the other numbers) and so I know that I can wake up from my nap at 4 and in the morning at 8. Cool, huh?


My favorite puzzle

So I'm really really into puzzles lately.  This one is my favorite right now.  I know all the letters of the alphabet, and all my numbers too now.  I can count to 10 as well.  

Potty training is going pretty well.  Sometimes I'm not so in the mood, but most days are good.  Everyone is so proud of me, and I'm proud of me too.  I still wear a diaper for naps and bedtime, but when I'm up, it's underpants time.  :)  I can keep my underpants dry!  Yay me!

Oh, and Yeh Yeh is here visiting me and Brendan.  We are having lots of fun with him.  


I'm a big kid now....almost

So, I've had a breakthrough. I'm being potty-trained!!!!! Yes, that's right. I'm wearing my special underpants (Diego, Thomas or Bob) and I'm trying very hard to keep them dry. At night and at naps, I'll still wear my diaper, but during the day, it's all underpants! Sometimes I have an accident, but sometimes I don't. Soon, I'm going to have Potty Power!



We went to Monterey this weekend with all my friends. It was fun playing at the hotel, especially with my buddy TT. As usual, we made trouble. :) And we had lots of fun at Earthbound Farms picking vegetables! I'm a farmer now! And then we went to the Aquarium, where I watched the otters play and eat. Boy, do they eat a lot! TT was there too, and we had fun splashing in the water and getting all wet.