
Last minute stuff

Plums from our tree...these are super sweet and juicy, but our "crop" is not as big as last year...

Santa Cruz beach. At first, I was scared of the water....but by the time we left, I was going down there to get water all by myself!


Happy Father's Day!!!

Happy Day to you Dad! I love you!

We did yardwork for Father's Day...so appropriate for Daddy! It was a pretty nice day and Brendan and I chased bubbles and painted on the sidewalk.


Happy Birthday Natasha

So I went to Natasha's party at the Little Gym and it was super fun! I did crazy stuff...check this out...

Having snacks at the party

Silly us!


My friend Kelvin

Graduation time

Aren't you proud?

Check out my moves...

My pals

I did it! I graduated from preschool!!!!! Yippeee!!! Whoo hoooooo! I did it! Yay!

And watch this....


Dance Recital

My dance recital was a smashing success. I had so much fun. Mommy dropped my off backstage, where I stayed during the whole performance with my classmates and the other dancers and some Moms. Our dance was the second one, so we were done right away.

And guess who came to watch me? Well, besides Mom, Dad and Brendan. Jenna and Uncle Chris!!! I was so happy! We even got to have ice cream and cake afterwards.

Oh yeah, and the video will not be available til mid-July...they did not allow ANY cameras of any type...and made us buy the dvd! Bummer!

A little blush...

A little for my lips...(yes, my teacher said I had to wear some so I don't look washed out under all those bright lights)

After the performance

If you look real close... you can sorta see me....as the curtain comes down after the final call...


Watch this!

My dance rehearsal for my recital this weekend!


Checkup - 5 Years old

So I went to the docs yesterday for my 5 year check up. Turns out, I had to get 3 shots! And I wanted them. I had heard a Curious George story about him going to the hospital and getting some shots...so I asked Mom if I could get a shot too. I did a hearing test (put blocks in basket when I hear a beep), an eye test (read shapes and stuff from several feet back), finger prick (to test for anemia and it didn't even hurt), and some other stuff. I'm almost 40 pounds! I asked lots and lots of questions to the nurse....like....what's that? what does that do? what is that noise? what are you doing? is it time for my shots? what are you writing? what is that light? why is it beeping? what does that say? what's next? and then? where are the shots? why are there 3? why not just one? how about 5? what is that for? and on and on and on....

I didn't cry at all when I got my shots (and she said I must be super brave b/c everyone cries when they get the MMR shot...but not me!) But that night, my arm was hurting and I was whining. And today, I'm kinda tired feeling and a little cranky. Boo.