

So, Yeh yeh, Mah mah and Auntie CC went back to New Orleans. And Paw paw and Gung gung went back to LA. I miss everyone a lot. Hope they visit me again soon. :)

I guess you could say my first word is "fish", but when I say it, it sounds more like "ssss". I've been saying that for a month or two. When asked, "What does the lion say?", I sometimes respond with a "roar". And when asked, "What does the cow say?", I'll sometimes say "mmmmm" for moo. I've been known to say "Ma ma" when asked, "Who's that?" (picture of Mommy), but not very often. I also say "dah" a lot. "Dah" has many meanings....duck, dog, that, well, pretty much everything else. :) I know my nose, ears, toes, mouth, eyes, head and belly. I'm not drooling as much. Mommy even stopped putting a bib on me, except for chow time. I also walk a lot now, I'm pretty good, but I do fall sometimes. It's okay, I'm tough. My favorite thing to eat now is dried blueberries. I could eat a lot of them. Yum!



Vancouver and Seattle were fun. I spent a lot of time with Pawpaw, Gung gung, Yeh yeh, Mah mah, and Auntie CC. It was an amazing trip! Boy am I full! We just ate and ate and ate and ate! Shark's Fin soup is really yummy. I also like dim sum, especially the sesame balls. I could eat a few of those!

Now we are back in San Jose, and Yeh yeh, Mah mah and Auntie CC will stay here until Hurricane Rita passes. These storms are horrible, but I'm glad that I get to spend time with them.

Other than that, I've learned to throw a few tantrums. And I love to shake my head...no no no no no. Mommy says I need discipline. I sure hope that's some kind of toy...:)



Well, I've had a busy few weeks. After the Hurricane, Daddy went home with Yeh Yeh to see the damage. Luckily it wasn't too bad. While Daddy was gone, Auntie Jen came to stay with us. I had fun playing with Auntie Jen. Uncle Ryan and Auntie Lydia came too. And the next day, Tristan and his parents came. We splashed around in the water!

Then Yeh Yeh and Mah Mah and Auntie CC came for a visit. We are heading up to Gung gung and Paw paw's house in Seattle. We're going to go to Vancouver again for the yummy food! I am such a lucky baby!

PS. Last time I asked you to figure out what was different with me....I wasn't wearing a bib!! Too bad more teeth are coming in and the bib is back!