
Logan turned 5!

Logan had an awesome bowling party.  The bowling balls are pretty heavy, but I think I'm getting the hang of it.  Do I have good form?

Letting it roll

Tristan and I were being silly the whole time.  Buddies!

Later, we went for a bike ride.  The weather was nice and the ride was good too.


Baby Christopher

Auntie Karen, Addison, and Baby Christopher came for a visit.  Auntie Karen and Mom are friends...from 6th grade!  Wow, that's a long time.  

I was a good big brother and helped Auntie change Christopher's diaper and helped put on his pants too.  I even carried him in my lap when Auntie had to do something else.  Aren't I a good helper?

Here's Mom and Christopher.


It's time for a take down.

Karate time.
Getting ready for a 1-2 punch

I did kick on the red target at his waist...


I thought I could take him down...with a kick...but
he took me down....



Gung Hay Fat Choy!!

Happy Chinese New Year!  We celebrated over the weekend with family and good food!  And of course, hong bao!

Dinner with lots and lots of good food!

I'm helping to feed Enzo.  Notice how my mouth is open too.

This is better.

I like helping Enzo.

Here I am again, telling Enzo what to say...

Happy New Year Everyone!


My dream...

This week's homework had this assignment.  And these are my answers....


Tae kwon do party....again....

In this picture it looks like I knock out Aidan...but I didn't.

Very high kicks.

Breaking boards

Lots of kids.


AR reading level

We came back from vacation and I had to take an AR evaluation.  AR stands for Accelerated Reader.
It's a multiple choice test.  Guess what I scored?  I scored at a level 6.3!  The first number stands for the grade level and the second number is the months of school.  So 6.3 would mean I'm in my 3rd month of 6th grade.   No way!  Teacher says I also have good test taking skills, so that helps my score too.
I think when we had the parent teacher conferences, I was reading at a level 3.something....

My teacher put on my book card that I can read up to level 4....even though I have a great vocabulary, I have trouble remembering the story....

Currently, I am reading several books at a time...which Mom thinks isn't helping my memory.  I finished Eragon and am on to the second book.  I also started reading the Lightning Thief, which I also got for Xmas.



New buttons?

What do you think of our new buttons on the main page?

Can you guess who did them?  .....   Me!  Yup, my artwork, for all to see.  Do you like it?

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