
Another visit to Great America

Since we had a good week at school, Dad took us to Great America.  We love it there and were thankful for the light crowds.

On the roller coaster


Cool picture of the Merry go round

No more covering our ears.


1st day of 3rd grade

It's that time of year again....School!  So back we go!

Bright and early...

Oh wait, there's Brendan!

On our first day (why is this blurry Dad?)

My class


Cousins and Dim Sum

Cousin Elle was in town, so we got together for dim sum with more cousins!  As usual, the dim sum was good and hanging with the cousins couldn't be better.  Well, if we had more time together, it would be better...


World of Dance

Dad brought us to this event called World of Dance.  It was a hip-hop competition.  And it lasted hours and hours.

Here was one of the first dances.  It looks like a bunch of senior citizens,
but those are just costumes.  It was funny.

Kids...maybe a little older than me.

Brendan is beat....it's hot in here too.

After dinner, we returned for more and this was the scene.

Chachi from I Am Me, ABDC Season 7.


When Mom and Dad came to Seattle....

Several weeks of crab, crab and more crab, and Mom and Dad came to pick us up.  I love crab and can eat it like any professional crab eater.  I've eaten pounds and pounds of crab.  It's kind of crazy.  Brendan likes clams more.  And escargot.  I had a great time in the Bay with Gung Gung and Paw Paw.  They let us play video games and watch TV...a lot.  But we also went on the boat with Gung Gung to get crabs from the traps.  And, we went fishing a few times.  Oh, and they took us up to Canada for a few days.  That was fun.

But it's over.  Mom and Dad are here to get us...

On the new ferry from Kingston to Seattle.

Sitting outside is always so fun

See me in yellow...making the trek to Daddy!

Pike's Market before some dinner...

Tossing pizza dough (from Il Fornaio)

We ate here for breakfast one day with Mom

Mom's Banana Flambe Waffle....Yummo!

At our hotel, with kiddie robes to boot!

Yuck.  The Gum Wall at Pikes...


I didn't end up going down this...I would have been soaked!

In front of the hotel.

Fruit selection before our Afternoon Tea

That's the kid's Tea set.  We enjoyed it!

King Tut anyone?


This old hotel had a really nice mezzanine.

We loved these little robes!

Off to find some grub

Museum of flight.

So many airplanes

How do you fly this thing?


Seattle Library....up and up we go!

After a few days in "the city", we headed back to the bay for a day with all the cousins....Yup.   It was pretty crazy at the house.  Lots of people, but we had so much fun!

Kayaking with Mom (and Brendan is in there with her)

We love our TV

I mean, we really LOVE our TV

B, Jenna, Lindsay, Enzo, and me.

What a way to end the summer.  Love it.  Had the best time.  Next year?  For sure.


Pokemon Center

I didn't go, but Dad took some nice pictures.  He had this conference to go to in Bellevue and he'd read about a Pokemon "headquarters" there.  Not sure what it was really going to be, Dad stopped by during his lunch hour.  It was just an office building, no merchandise to be bought or games to check out.  But, there were some figurines in the lobby and he took some nice pictures of them for me.