

Yeah, call me. I can sorta answer questions on the phone. Usually the answer is "yes", cuz these days I'm the "yes" boy. My pal Tristan gave me some bear slippers that he wasn't going to use, and I absolutely love them. I wear them all the time when I am at home and I would wear them out if Mommy let me. They keep my toes nice and toasty! I think my 4th molar is coming in this week too. I have a little cough, but I'm getting better.

I had my 18 month checkup and here are some of the stats. I'm 22 pounds something (10th%), 31 inches something, (20th) and, well, my head circumference is 90th. Mommy doesn't remember the exact info...if she would only tell me, I could probably remember. The dr said everything looks good, but this was an unpleasant appointment. I didn't want to be measured, I didn't want to be weighed, and I definitely didn't want to lie down for my shot! OUCH! But once Mommy held me, all was fine. Phew.

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