It's that time of year again...Parent Teacher Conferences! Mom went to see my teacher today, Ms B. Looks like I'm on track (or maybe a little ahead). I'm good at Math (it's kindergarten math, so counting, sorting, recognizing numbers, patterns). Mom and Dad have been doing addition with me (on my fingers) so I can do some of that too, tho that's not part of school yet. I'm doing well with sound spelling, but still have trouble with the middle sounds. I can write a simple sentence (maybe not all spelled correctly) and retell a familiar story. The list goes on and on. Ms B says that I participate in class just the right amount, and that I'm very eager to learn and am willing to try new things. Also, she said that when she's talking, she can see the questions forming in my head and the wheels are a spinning. Sounds good, right?
The other day, Mom was talking to one of my classmate's mom and she asked Mom which spelling school I go to....HUH? Yeah, apparently, I led my friend to believe that I went to spelling school and I was teaching her a new word everyday. One word she said I taught her? Abbreviation. What? Mom thought this was hilarious. What is a spelling school? I told Mom that I want to go to spelling school. That classmate goes to a special Math class once a week, so I thought a spelling school would be good. Maybe I need to get a tutor, just for fun. Ha ha.