For my birthday (yes, it's early) I chose to go to Disneyland instead of having a big bash. In total, it was 2 days Disneyland, 1 day California Adventures. I absolutely loved it. We rode Autopia (I drove, of course), the Nemo Submarine, It's a Small World (twice), Flying dumbo, the circus train, the loop train, the steamship and probably something else, but I can't remember now. In CAdv, we rode the zephyr, mulhulland rollercoaster (yeah, me!), several times on the following...heimlich's chew chew train, dizzy lady bugs, bumper cars, and fliks flyers. All in all, we got a lot in and had a blast. Plus, we stayed with Paw Paw and Gung Gung a few days, and went to the beach a couple times. Love that LA beach! Here are some pics of the fun we had!

Riding on the Steamboat

Running through the sprinklers

Can you see me on this rollercoaster? This is the end of the ride

Here I am coming off of the ride....Phew! and white as a ghost

Turns out this was my favorite ride

At the front gates

Spinning Lady bug

Oh, and thanks to Mah Mah and Yeh Yeh for my Ezy Roller....LOVE IT!

First time Ice skating!