I've been a good big brother, so far. Sometimes, I'll fight with Brendan, but that is because he is ALWAYS into what I'm doing. Can't wait til he can play nicely with me. He's always grabbing at my toys. Can't he find his own games to play? Most of the time though, I really love my brother. He's little, so I have to take care of him. When Mommy leaves the room, and Brendan starts to cry, I'll talk to him or sing to him and give him a kiss and tell him not to worry because Mommy is coming back. Or when Mommy leaves the dinner table, and Brendan starts to cry, I'll make a funny face, and then he'll start laughing instead of crying. :) Sometimes, I'll even step in and feed him. Yeah, I'm a good big brother.
We're getting ready for our big family trip. It's coming up soon and I cannot wait. Daddy reads me a story about Hong Kong every night. I'm so super excited.
So, my black nail finally fell off last week. Mom said it looked like a witch fingernail! Now I have no nail, but my finger feels just fine. :) I hope the nail part grows back soon.
I take pretty long naps these days (yes, I'm still taking a nap). I think I'm super pooped from preschool. I'm totally loving it. Mom sometimes catches me singing Chinese songs! Ha! I also sleep pretty nicely at night too. And since I can read the clock, I don't usually go out of my room too early. For naps, it's usually 2-4, or sometimes 5. And at night I sleep from 9 until about 8 (sometimes 730). Oh, and I can count in Chinese....except I tend to skip some numbers just for fun. 1-6...and then 21! Ha! And I'm learning my days of the week in Chinese too. Chinese is pretty fun. :)