We went to Jenna and Lindsay's house for Xmas....but first, Daddy and Mommy and Brendan and I went to SF to see all the lights and Christmas decorations....and all those crazy people doing last minute shopping! That mall was a madhouse! But it was exciting in San Francisco! We also stopped by Fisherman's Wharf, where I went into a real submarine, and ate yummy clam chowder. And, we went to Golden Gate bridge....it was a super clear day, so it was perfect.
At Jenna and Lindsay's, we had dinner with Paw Paw and Gung Gung too. Jenna and Lindsay have an amazing playroom. I love it. On Christmas day, we went to have dim sum in Oakland, but we waited forever because everyone else had the same idea! Then...we finally opened presents! Yay!!! Santa is the best! I love Christmas.
Oh, Mom and I also baked chocolate chip cookies for Santa. We left them out for him....and he ate a bunch!
Merry Christmas!
So, Paw Paw, Gung Gung, Uncle Chris, Auntie Susan, Jenna and Lindsay (plus Maggie...Ack!!) took me to see snow! We went for a couple of days and stayed in a cozy little cabin in Lake Tahoe. We spent a whole day building a giant snowman! I stayed out in the snow the whole time, it was awesome. Jenna and I played well together sometimes, but then sometimes we fought, and fought hard. :) I missed Mom and Dad, but everyone took good care of me.
Happy 3rd Joshua!
Today we went to Joshua's birthday party. It was fun playing with Joshua and Caleb and the other little babies. I really had fun with the bug vacuum....I used it to help clean the floor! :)
Breakfast with Santa!
This morning we went for breakfast with Santa at the community center. It was a lot of fun. I was scared of Santa when he first came in because he was so big and was wearing this big red costume. But then, I realized I could tell him what I wanted for Christmas...and maybe I'd get them. Do you want to know what I asked for? Nahh, that might jinx it. I also got to make a lot of Christmas crafts and eat a yummy breakfast. Brendan went too, but he was really really scared of Santa. He screamed really loud when Santa tried to carry him.
Happy Birthday Paw Paw and School concert
Happy Birthday Paw Paw! I hope you had a good one.
Today was also my school's Christmas performance. My class had to sing a couple of songs....We Wish you a Merry Christmas, and others...but I totally froze. I just stood there with my mouth open, eyes on Mommy and Brendan. At first, I moved my lips a little bit, but then...we'll nothing came out. We had hand movements too...but...what were they again? Anyhow, atleast I didn't scream like the girl a few spots down from me. I'll share the clip of it when Mommy gets to editing the movies again. Here's a pic of us at the potluck lunch.
Today was also my school's Christmas performance. My class had to sing a couple of songs....We Wish you a Merry Christmas, and others...but I totally froze. I just stood there with my mouth open, eyes on Mommy and Brendan. At first, I moved my lips a little bit, but then...we'll nothing came out. We had hand movements too...but...what were they again? Anyhow, atleast I didn't scream like the girl a few spots down from me. I'll share the clip of it when Mommy gets to editing the movies again. Here's a pic of us at the potluck lunch.
Happy Birthday Brendan
Brendan had a fun birthday party today...it was also our Christmas party, so we all got some good gifts. You should see the pics of all the kids opening presents. It was totally wild!
Here I am at the party riding around outside on my trike.
And here I am pretending to clean up.....

And here's me....taking the nice bow....and turning it into a long ribbon....
Here I am at the party riding around outside on my trike.
And here I am pretending to clean up.....

And here's me....taking the nice bow....and turning it into a long ribbon....

I LOVE HONG KONG! I had the best time ever and I want to go back. I've even said I want to live there! I'm in love with HK. The Star Ferry is my absolute favorite. I'm completely mesmerized by the crew and the ropes and the water. It's the best ride in the whole world, hands down.
Here's what we did....
Ocean Park - love the dolphins and seals. Grand Uncle (G.U) Dominic came with us and showed us around. I got to play "firefighter" too. And then, we saw my favorite animal. The Pandas. They were so cute.
Disneyland - Dumbo is the best! And Autopia. And the carousel.
The Peak - Paw Paw and G.U. Dominic came too. It was super windy up at the top, but they had an awesome playground up there. The Tram ride is crazy steep. But fun. Afterwards we went the the Zoological Gardens and saw a jaguar....that was sleeping. We had to walk up these super steep hills to get there. It was hard (okay, not so hard for me cuz I was in the stroller)
The Big Buddha - Paw Paw and Gung Gung hike up the stairs with us too. It was a hairy ride on the bus (after a long ride on the MTR). I climbed some of the stairs, but not all of them. Brendan was the lucky one. He got to ride on Mommy's back!
We also saw lots of relatives and friends. Daddy's "Sam Yee Mah" lives all the way out in the Gold Coast. They have a really nice apartment. The building has a playroom that is way decked out. Then there's Auntie Ester and Auntie Emily and her kids Cameron (!!!!) and Charlotte. And Mommy's Grandma, Ah Tai. I was a little scared at first, but I warmed up in no time. Brendan and I had so much fun playing with tissues! I also saw G.A. Margaret and G.U. Raymond and Uncle Wesley. And I got to see G.A. Belinda and G.U. Jeffrey and Uncle Ryan. It's funny cuz Uncle Ryan is friends with Uncle Ken, Daddy's college roommate. We had dinners with him too. I did make a few new friends....Reika and James. I met them when we went to have lunch with Mommy's old CUHK roommates, Auntie Florence, Auntie Shanna and Auntie Clora. Reika is 5 and she gave me candy. :) I really like her. Oh, and I also met up with G.A. Mary. She and Paw Paw took Brendan and I to meet some of Paw Paw's cousins. I had fun...cuz I got chocolates!
I also had a lot of fun eating at Hui Lau San. This yummy dessert place. It's everywhere, but there was one near our hotel (the YMCA Salisbury) and the Star Ferry. I requested dessert almost every night. Mangos are my new favorite fruit.
I think that's it...for now. I'll have to check my notes...there might be more! Stay tuned!
Here's a picture of Reika. She's a nice girl.
Here's what we did....
Ocean Park - love the dolphins and seals. Grand Uncle (G.U) Dominic came with us and showed us around. I got to play "firefighter" too. And then, we saw my favorite animal. The Pandas. They were so cute.
Disneyland - Dumbo is the best! And Autopia. And the carousel.
The Peak - Paw Paw and G.U. Dominic came too. It was super windy up at the top, but they had an awesome playground up there. The Tram ride is crazy steep. But fun. Afterwards we went the the Zoological Gardens and saw a jaguar....that was sleeping. We had to walk up these super steep hills to get there. It was hard (okay, not so hard for me cuz I was in the stroller)
The Big Buddha - Paw Paw and Gung Gung hike up the stairs with us too. It was a hairy ride on the bus (after a long ride on the MTR). I climbed some of the stairs, but not all of them. Brendan was the lucky one. He got to ride on Mommy's back!
We also saw lots of relatives and friends. Daddy's "Sam Yee Mah" lives all the way out in the Gold Coast. They have a really nice apartment. The building has a playroom that is way decked out. Then there's Auntie Ester and Auntie Emily and her kids Cameron (!!!!) and Charlotte. And Mommy's Grandma, Ah Tai. I was a little scared at first, but I warmed up in no time. Brendan and I had so much fun playing with tissues! I also saw G.A. Margaret and G.U. Raymond and Uncle Wesley. And I got to see G.A. Belinda and G.U. Jeffrey and Uncle Ryan. It's funny cuz Uncle Ryan is friends with Uncle Ken, Daddy's college roommate. We had dinners with him too. I did make a few new friends....Reika and James. I met them when we went to have lunch with Mommy's old CUHK roommates, Auntie Florence, Auntie Shanna and Auntie Clora. Reika is 5 and she gave me candy. :) I really like her. Oh, and I also met up with G.A. Mary. She and Paw Paw took Brendan and I to meet some of Paw Paw's cousins. I had fun...cuz I got chocolates!
I also had a lot of fun eating at Hui Lau San. This yummy dessert place. It's everywhere, but there was one near our hotel (the YMCA Salisbury) and the Star Ferry. I requested dessert almost every night. Mangos are my new favorite fruit.
I think that's it...for now. I'll have to check my notes...there might be more! Stay tuned!

We made it! Hong Kong here we come!

We arrived in HK (on honk honk, as I say) in one piece! That was the longest flight ever! 14.5 hours! I barely slept on the plane (1 hour...maybe) b/c I was so excited. But when I got here, I crashed. Totally slept on the chairs during dinner...without moving at all. Brendan didn't sleep to well on the plane either. He's not used to sleeping on Mommy or Daddy. Of course, we all got up super early this morning. Mommy and Daddy are pretty tired. They didn't get much sleep either. Paw Paw and Gung Gung were on our flight too...I even visited Business class....but they wouldn't let me stay there even though I was being quiet and good. I did get some treats up there though. :)
Uh oh! It's Parent-Teacher conference time!
Yup. So Mommy came in today to chat with my teacher. She is nice...and well...here's what she had to say about me.
"Cameron is a sweet, polite and happy boy. He is always kind and tries to help everyone including the teachers. He likes to explore in the area of math jobs and practical life. We are working with him to help him overcome his shyness and gain more confidence in speaking mandarin. We are lucky to have Cameron in our class."
Isn't that nice? Mommy is so proud of me. And she was worried that I wasn't behaving. I like to help the other kids with their worksheets, so after I finish mine, sometimes I'll help them with theirs. My worksheets were very messy at first, but now they are very neat! I also help the teacher get the class ready when it's time to go to the bathroom by helping the others clean up and get in line. Then I'll hold the door open. In the beginning, I did not enjoy the chinese lessons, but now they are fun (though if you ask me...I'll just deny knowing anything!) I know my numbers and letters and can write some of them. I'm learning to make friends and play with others. The thing that I have to work on is...taking care of myself and my things. Like hanging my jacket in the right place (and knowing where it is when I need it), putting my jacket on myself, and putting away my worksheets.
"Cameron is a sweet, polite and happy boy. He is always kind and tries to help everyone including the teachers. He likes to explore in the area of math jobs and practical life. We are working with him to help him overcome his shyness and gain more confidence in speaking mandarin. We are lucky to have Cameron in our class."
Isn't that nice? Mommy is so proud of me. And she was worried that I wasn't behaving. I like to help the other kids with their worksheets, so after I finish mine, sometimes I'll help them with theirs. My worksheets were very messy at first, but now they are very neat! I also help the teacher get the class ready when it's time to go to the bathroom by helping the others clean up and get in line. Then I'll hold the door open. In the beginning, I did not enjoy the chinese lessons, but now they are fun (though if you ask me...I'll just deny knowing anything!) I know my numbers and letters and can write some of them. I'm learning to make friends and play with others. The thing that I have to work on is...taking care of myself and my things. Like hanging my jacket in the right place (and knowing where it is when I need it), putting my jacket on myself, and putting away my worksheets.
Good big brother
I've been a good big brother, so far. Sometimes, I'll fight with Brendan, but that is because he is ALWAYS into what I'm doing. Can't wait til he can play nicely with me. He's always grabbing at my toys. Can't he find his own games to play? Most of the time though, I really love my brother. He's little, so I have to take care of him. When Mommy leaves the room, and Brendan starts to cry, I'll talk to him or sing to him and give him a kiss and tell him not to worry because Mommy is coming back. Or when Mommy leaves the dinner table, and Brendan starts to cry, I'll make a funny face, and then he'll start laughing instead of crying. :) Sometimes, I'll even step in and feed him. Yeah, I'm a good big brother.
We're getting ready for our big family trip. It's coming up soon and I cannot wait. Daddy reads me a story about Hong Kong every night. I'm so super excited.
So, my black nail finally fell off last week. Mom said it looked like a witch fingernail! Now I have no nail, but my finger feels just fine. :) I hope the nail part grows back soon.
I take pretty long naps these days (yes, I'm still taking a nap). I think I'm super pooped from preschool. I'm totally loving it. Mom sometimes catches me singing Chinese songs! Ha! I also sleep pretty nicely at night too. And since I can read the clock, I don't usually go out of my room too early. For naps, it's usually 2-4, or sometimes 5. And at night I sleep from 9 until about 8 (sometimes 730). Oh, and I can count in Chinese....except I tend to skip some numbers just for fun. 1-6...and then 21! Ha! And I'm learning my days of the week in Chinese too. Chinese is pretty fun. :)
We're getting ready for our big family trip. It's coming up soon and I cannot wait. Daddy reads me a story about Hong Kong every night. I'm so super excited.
So, my black nail finally fell off last week. Mom said it looked like a witch fingernail! Now I have no nail, but my finger feels just fine. :) I hope the nail part grows back soon.
I take pretty long naps these days (yes, I'm still taking a nap). I think I'm super pooped from preschool. I'm totally loving it. Mom sometimes catches me singing Chinese songs! Ha! I also sleep pretty nicely at night too. And since I can read the clock, I don't usually go out of my room too early. For naps, it's usually 2-4, or sometimes 5. And at night I sleep from 9 until about 8 (sometimes 730). Oh, and I can count in Chinese....except I tend to skip some numbers just for fun. 1-6...and then 21! Ha! And I'm learning my days of the week in Chinese too. Chinese is pretty fun. :)
Happy Halloween
Trick or Treat! That's right! I had a great Halloween. My school had a special Halloween parade today and it was fun fun fun. At first, I didn't want to go, but after the parade, I told Mommy that is was fun and I was happy to be in the parade. I was a lion....ROAR!! Brendan and Mommy came to watch me. We got some treats from the other classrooms, too.
Tonight, Daddy and Mommy took me Trick-or-Treating. I only wanted to go to Caleb and Joshua's house...I said I had enough candy after 2 houses! I had way more fun passing out candy and glow-in-the-dark bracelets to the other kids. We had a bunch of trick-or-treaters come to our house.
Mommy said I can only have one candy per day, so that's what I'm sticking to. So my teeth don't fall out! Ha ha!
Earthquake...rumble rumble
We had an earthquake tonight. 5.6. It wasn't so bad. It happened when I was decorating my pumpkin for tomorrow night (Halloween). The ground started to shake a little bit...and it didn't seem to stop. Then Mommy and Daddy grabbed Brendan and I and we stood in a doorway. I wasn't scared at all, because I'm a big kid. It was only 15 seconds long, but it felt like longer to me. Brendan didn't know what was happening, so he wasn't scared either. Mommy and Daddy were so proud of me for being brave!
Fall is here!
Fireman visit
The firemen came to my school for a visit today. Mommy brought me to school just so I could see them. First they talked about being safe and what to do when there's a fire at home. I learned that if my clothes catch on fire, I should STOP, DROP and ROLL! And I can show you how to do it too! Also, I know to call 9-1-1 in an emergency. (Actually, another fireman told me that when I saw them at Santana Row).
Then, we got to go take a look at their big firetruck. I didn't want to go inside, but my friends did.
Plus, here are some pictures of me at school. I used to not like Chinese circle time. But now, I love love love the songs. I always ask Mommy to play Chinese songs in the car. They are way awesome!

Getting better
My finger is getting better. Still black, but I can sorta use it. I'm just careful when my right hand needs to be used.
I'm learning a lot in preschool. Sometimes when I play at home, I'll sing (mumble) songs that I've heard in school. Mommy always asks me what I'm singing...hee hee. Also, I like Chinese songs. And I also like the phonics song. Here are two short short ones...
Knee pads and helmets keep me safe, so I don't have to "______" What?
Hello, How are you? .....anymore?
Apple apple, ah ah ah
baby baby, buh buh buh
cookie cookie, cah cah cah....
I'm learning a lot in preschool. Sometimes when I play at home, I'll sing (mumble) songs that I've heard in school. Mommy always asks me what I'm singing...hee hee. Also, I like Chinese songs. And I also like the phonics song. Here are two short short ones...
Knee pads and helmets keep me safe, so I don't have to "______" What?
Hello, How are you? .....anymore?
Apple apple, ah ah ah
baby baby, buh buh buh
cookie cookie, cah cah cah....
First field trip
Oops, my finger!!!!

Uh oh! I've got a bad boo boo. I smushed my finger (right pointer) in the door....and now it is all black and blue under my fingernail. It's yucky and hurts so very much. No wonder Mommy and Daddy are always telling me not to play with doors....
I heard that my nail might fall off...what's my finger going to do without the nail? I'm scared and I won't let anybody near my finger. I don't like washing my finger and I don't even like changing my shirts. This whole weekend, I've just used my left hand for everything, eating, drinking, and playing! I hope my finger gets better soon, cuz I have to go to school and do my worksheets. And how am I going to do my worksheets if I can't hold the pen? Aiya!
Busy busy busy
It's been a busy weekend...Saturday, Mommy went to a party for Auntie Betty (that lasted the whole day), Auntie CC came into town for a visit, we went to Lucas' party, and we had a really good dinner with some of Daddy's relatives. And Daddy put Brendan and I to bed by himself. Mommy was so happy! It was a super busy day. And if that wasn't enough....Sunday was busy too, because we went to pick up Mommy in SF, and then we went to the new shopping mall there. I was pooped!
I've been having a lot of fun with Auntie CC. She helps me do lots of fun stuff and does puzzles with me. She also took me to school on Monday. I'm going to miss her when she goes home.
My chinese is getting better. I can now say Wan An (good night), and Zhao An (good morning), Xie xie (thank you), and Ni Hao (Hello). School is great. I'm really enjoying it. Probably cuz they have lots of cool worksheets and projects for me to do.
preschool update
So, preschool is going okay. I started in preschool 1, and now I'm already in preschool 2. I guess since I am fully "day" potty trained and am pretty cooperative at school. PS1 is for kids who just started going to school and need more time adjusting. But I love preschool! I really enjoy it. Ms Sophia, my teacher, says that I've got a good temperament and am well behaved (only at school, haha).
My third day was good. I didn't cry when Daddy dropped me off. And I had lunch at school too. All I remember was that I had rice and something Chinese...it was good. Mommy saw the sauce all over my face when she picked me up. Yum. My teacher said that I was very good and cute, too. :) Hee hee.
I can write a few letters all by myself...M O M (I know that spells Mom) and H (my favorite letter), and A. Today I wrote B and C! I can read all letters, both the uppercase (big) and lowercase (small) letters and I know all my numbers. Sometimes though, I'll pretend I don't have a clue what you are talking about! These days, I ask about a million questions a day. Sometimes the same questions....over and over...but I'm just so very curious. :)
First Day of School!
Today was my first day of preschool. Mommy and Daddy and Brendan took me. At first, I didn't want Mommy to leave, but then I was okay. I even went to the potty at school (normally, I'm kinda scared) and Mommy was worried that I wouldn't go at all. I had fun and I learned that "Ni Hao" means "hello" in Chinese. Most of my classmates are mandarin-speakers, so I'm going to have to learn what they're saying.
Uncle Steve
County Fair
We went to the County Fair today! It was so cool! I saw lots of horses, pigs, cows, llamas, rabbits, dogs, chickens, sheep, and more. I even touched animals...and you know how I am with animals! At first, I was screaming and screaming, but after I saw Mommy petting the animals, I wanted to touch them too. Mommy held a guinea pig in her hands, and then I touched it's back. After that, I touched a rabbit, a chick, and a baby goat. Then we visited a science booth, where I played with some cool stuff. Gung gung played too...he spent a lot of time on the cube puzzle, but he finally did it!

Look how scared I am of the huge ginormous cows!
So now I'm here in Washington. Enjoying the great outdoors! Paw Paw and Gung Gung got a Hummer for me and Jenna. I've been driving it everyday. At first, I was really scared, but I'm having a blast now. I still get confused with Left and Right though, so I have to drive very slow.
I'm also eating very well. Paw Paw cooks some really good food. I just eat and eat and eat. And the fruits here are amazing! Did you know I can now eat cherries? (I know how to eat around the little seed!)
And, before we left San Jose, Mommy took Brendan and I to the Picture People to get some nice portraits done. You can check them out in my 39th month and Brendan's 8 month pages.
I can go all by myself!
Today, I went to the potty all by myself! Without telling anyone that I had to go or without having to be asked. It was my first time! Aren't you proud?
We also went to cousin Jenna and Lindsay's house. It's big. We had lots of fun playing together and running around the house. The only thing is that I'm scared of Maggie the dog, but I guess I'll have to get used to her. Brendan wasn't scared of her, though. I'm so happy that Jenna will be nearby. Then we can play together more. We do play well together. :)
I can see!
Well, of course. But I had my eyes checked out by Auntie Susan (Joshua's mommy). Mommy went in to get her eyes checked, and so I wanted mine done too. I looked at a farmhouse in the little box, then read letters and shapes and numbers on the wall. Auntie also looked at my eyes with a really bright light. She said I was being very good. :) I'm about 20/30...maybe 20/25, but by the time we got to that row of letters, I didn't want to read them anymore. Otherwise, it was really fun.
Still potty training...
I'm still working on the pt...it's going well. And I'm so sad that Yeh Yeh left. I wanted to go with him on the airplane. Boohoo. It was fun hanging out with Yeh Yeh and I hope he comes back to visit soon.
Since I can read numbers (and letters) now, I have a clock in my room. I only see the first number (Mommy says I get confused by the other numbers) and so I know that I can wake up from my nap at 4 and in the morning at 8. Cool, huh?
Since I can read numbers (and letters) now, I have a clock in my room. I only see the first number (Mommy says I get confused by the other numbers) and so I know that I can wake up from my nap at 4 and in the morning at 8. Cool, huh?
My favorite puzzle
So I'm really really into puzzles lately. This one is my favorite right now. I know all the letters of the alphabet, and all my numbers too now. I can count to 10 as well.
Potty training is going pretty well. Sometimes I'm not so in the mood, but most days are good. Everyone is so proud of me, and I'm proud of me too. I still wear a diaper for naps and bedtime, but when I'm up, it's underpants time. :) I can keep my underpants dry! Yay me!
Oh, and Yeh Yeh is here visiting me and Brendan. We are having lots of fun with him.
I'm a big kid now....almost
So, I've had a breakthrough. I'm being potty-trained!!!!! Yes, that's right. I'm wearing my special underpants (Diego, Thomas or Bob) and I'm trying very hard to keep them dry. At night and at naps, I'll still wear my diaper, but during the day, it's all underpants! Sometimes I have an accident, but sometimes I don't. Soon, I'm going to have Potty Power!
We went to Monterey this weekend with all my friends. It was fun playing at the hotel, especially with my buddy TT. As usual, we made trouble. :) And we had lots of fun at Earthbound Farms picking vegetables! I'm a farmer now! And then we went to the Aquarium, where I watched the otters play and eat. Boy, do they eat a lot! TT was there too, and we had fun splashing in the water and getting all wet.
I miss Daddy, when he goes to work
When Daddy goes to work, I am very sad. I miss him. I wish he could stay home and play with me all day, but he can only do that on Saturday's and Sunday's. Oh, and Brendan misses him too. Good thing Mommy gives me the big job of helping her take care of Brendan, and that helps Daddy too!
3 years old

I'm officially 3 years old! I've grown a lot since last time...I'm 36.5 inches tall and a whopping 32 pounds! At the pediatrician, I had my first "big kid" checkup. I stood on the scale and they weighed and measured me (instead of sitting in a little scoop to get weighed and lying on the exam table to get measured). And then I did a cool hearing test. Everytime I heard the "beep beep", I put a block in the basket. It was fun. And the nurse even took my blood pressure with a little cuff. My pediatrician even checked my reflexes! It felt funny.
Big Basin, Big Trees

We went for a little hike at Big Basin. It was lots of fun seeing the giant trees. I've never seen trees that big. We took some fun pictures, too. Even though it's really close to our house, the road is so twisty twirly that we had to drive really slow and it took a while. Mommy was complaining that she was feeling sick....me too. But it was worth it!
My party
Disneyland and more
Computer time
I am really good with the computer now. I can play lots of games, like Dora’s Puzzle Bridge, and Lazy Town’s game. I think the touch pad on Mommy’s laptop is easier to use than the mouse on the big computer. I’ve been working on reading my letters, I think I know about 10-15 letters now. But they are hard to learn and take lots of practice with Mommy. I also know a couple of my numbers. I am pretty good at counting…whe I’m not trying to be silly. Oh, and I can finally blow my nose! It’s still pretty yucky, and I’d rather not do it, but then again, it’s better than having my nose sucked by the plunger. I’m still napping about 2 hours a day. I’m a great sleeper Paw paw always says. Mommy and Daddy were trying to potty train me, but I’m awfully stubborn about it. Mommy even got me a cool potty, but I still like my diapers better. I also got a cold last week. That was not fun, but I’m alsmot better. Just have a lingering cough. I’m getting very excited for my birthday party coming up. I can’t wiat.
ABC...and Lindsay

I can sing the ABC song all by myself, and I can recognize a, b, c, d, e, and f. I can also sometimes recognize some numbers…sometimes. My cousin Linsday was born on March 22nd, 2007. She’s in San Diego with cousin Jenna. I can’t wait to meet her. Our backyard is really coming together. Daddy got me a picnic table and Mommy lets me do watercolor painting outside. I love to paint! Love it! And this weekend, Mommy planted flowers in the flowerbed. It looks really beautiful…and I planted my own orange flower.
TT's house
We went to Tristan’s house today. I had a lot of fun playing with all of Tt’s toys. Mommy and Brendan and all the other babies did footprints.
I'm in a big bed! No more crib!
I’ve been doing great sleeping in my big bed. Naps and all. ☺ Daddy and I have been working on our backyard lately and it’s turning out to be a great place for me to hang out. I love doing “gardening”.
1st time sleeping in the big kid bed
Last night, I slept in the big bed! It was awesome! I love it. I’m moving out of my crib so that baby Brendan can sleep in there when he is ready. Aren’t I a good big brother?
My fever finally broke. Mom thinks maybe I have Roseola, but there’s no rash yet. Oh well, I feel better anyhow.
I still have a fever and I am super cranky. I hope it goes away…..soon, cuz I don’t feel so good.
Mommy and Daddy took me to the ER. Yup, I woke up screaming and screaming and dripping in sweat. I screamed like someone was after me…for about 10 minutes and I totally scared Mommy. The ER sucks, but they gave me Motrin and I felt much better. Daddy slept in my big bed with me.
Mom's Birthday
Happy Birthday Mommy! I can also say Gung gung properly now. It’s taken me a long time, but I can do it! It used to be “dung dung”. I think I made his day! My new favorite song is “So long, farewell” from the Sound of Music. There’s this commercial on TV for Kia cars and they sing the song. It’s a really cool song!
Bye bye...boo hoo
Pawpaw and Mah mah left today. I was very sad to see them go. I had a great time. Thanks Pawpaw for taking care of me!
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