When Mommy reads me this nursery rhyme, I do the "pat" and the "roll" with my hands! And I also pretend to "play the violin (fiddle)" when she reads ''The Cat and the Fiddle". In fact, I can almost say "violin". Okay well, you probably wouldn't know that was what I was trying to say, but Mommy can figure it out. I am saying a lot more these days, though my pronunciation is quite rough. But I am trying.
I've been doing okay these days. Getting a little rowdy sometimes. I love to spin or run in circles. It's funny. And I am a great climber now too. Check out my hiding picture. My balance is much better.
Over the weekend, I went to the SF Zoo with my pal Tristan. We had a blast. I roared like the lion! Roar! And a few days before, Uncle Kelvin and Tristan came over to play. Tristan loves to play with trains.
I've been very good at taking care of "baby", my doll. She usually doesn't leave home, so when we are at home, I spend a lot of time with her. I make sure to feed her some of my food, and to show her things in the books that Mommy reads. Sometimes when we are singing songs, I will help her clap and dance. And when she cries, I hold her and pat her on the back. Sometimes Mommy will sing "rock a bye baby" and I'll rock "baby" so she can take a nap.
22 months
No no no no no

I've finally caught on to this word. I hardly ever hear Mommy or Daddy say it, so I didn't know about it, but now....well, it's just a really fun word! Another "word" I use is "lala", which usually stands for blueberry (my absolute must-have after dinner favorite) or strawberry. I'm not a very good dinner-eater these days. I usually like to have fun with my food. It's okay since I eat a pretty good breakfast and lunch. Plus I usually eat lots of fruit after dinner. YUM!
Today was my last art class (I had 4). It's really hard because I just like putting the paint or glue or sprinkles all in one spot. I don't like to spread it around, so the paper gets really soggy. I did enjoy playing with the playdough. My gym class is hard too. Most of the kids in class are 3, so they really know what they're doing. I'm just learning to jump, but I don't get much, if any, air. I really enjoy the tunnel and the balance beam. I pretty good at balancing, but I do need Mommy's help. I hope I get the hang of the class soon. I like to watch the class more than actually participate. I come home and then try out some of the stuff they did. Like today, I did "superman". You know, lie on your tummy and lift your arms like you are flying!
Make sure you check the 22 month pics. You can see if I look like Mommy did when she was young. Also, don't forget to sign my guestbook.
Uh oh!
Once in a while, I do something that maybe I shouldn't have, I'll say "Uh oh!" Recently, I've become terribly afraid of animals. I only like to look at them from afar. But if they get near me, I run straight for Mommy and try to get myself up ASAP! I also started acting up...I am almost 2 afterall. It's the terrible two's! I probably won't get to eat out again for a while. Oops. Now I know who "me" is. Daddy points to my picture and says who's that, and I'll say "meeeeeee." But a double "me" is my friend, Mimi, and I like to say her name too! Mommy signed me up for a gym class. It's pretty hard and I don't like all the activities. I am pretty good at the balance beams though. I also have an art class. It's great because I get to make a major mess and Mommy doesn't mind. I don't go to Gymboree anymore since we have all these other classes.
I got another haircut today! It's much shorter than the last time. I was really good and sat in the red car and drove all around while watching Madagascar on the big screen TV. After my haircut, we went to the pet store and we looked at birds and mice and fish! It was fun.
I am back from over a week at Pawpaw and GungGungs. I was going to come home with Mommy on Tuesday, but she got the stomach flu (so did Daddy), so we had to stay a few days extra. I had a great time though. I went to the park everyday, and the library and grocery shopping and everywhere with Pawpaw. Even to meet all her pawpaw friends at Starbucks. I learned a few new words too. Up, down, rice, and please, oh and row, as in Row, row, row your boat! I can even add in the arm movement. Another arm thing I learned was how to flap my arms like a bird! Ask me, "how does a bird fly?" and I will flap my arms! When I saw Daddy waiting for us at the airport, I ran as fast as I could to him. I missed Daddy a lot! He said I grew! Wow! When I get a chance, I'll post pics. Don't forget to sign my new guestbook!
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