What's new with me? Well, I'm still eating really well. I really like barbecue sauce...smothered over anything! I've eaten some strange things lately. Mommy and Daddy were eating frutti de mare, and I ate a few mussels. It was okay. I also ate quail drumsticks. It was okay. I really love peas and corn. Sometimes, I'll eat a whole bowl. I also really like gnocchi. Yum! I'm back to eating oatmeal nuggets.
I like holding hands with my friends. It makes the walk nicer. And yesterday, at Gymboree, a girl kissed me on the cheek. Mommy has been borrowing books from the library and I love it! I can read ten books all in a row (well, Mommy reads them to me). Now that I don't tear the pages, Mommy says it's okay to get the books from the library. No need for those cumbersome board books anymore. I can also "stomp" my feet when Mommy sings "When you're happy and you know it...". I also do "touch my nose", "clap your hands", "pat your head", "touch your toes" and "rub your belly". See how well I follow directions now?
Mommy puts me down for my nap with baby. She tells me that baby is sleeping and I shouldn't wake her, so when she puts me down, I try to be quiet. I haven't been crying like I usually do (a minute or two). Though sometimes, I can't help talking to baby. I'm still napping and sleeping pretty well.
Have you seen my pimped out ride? Daddy got me the footrest, seatbelt, bell, and basket. And when I wear the helmet, I am all decked out! Yeah, I've got an awesome ride!!!