Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Everyone!
I'm off to LA with Paw paw today. Can't wait. It's going to be so fun. Mommy and Daddy will come down in a few days. I am getting a vacation from them. Mommy is ALWAYS following me around. :)
For a few days, I loved doing Ring-Around-the-Rosie all by myself (and I'd even fall down), but now I refuse to do it. Maybe in a few weeks? I can say Paw paw (but it sounds like bawbaw), and Yehyeh. Recently, I've started letting Mommy and Daddy know when it's time for my bath by saying "ba". "Ba" also can mean bird, or big bird, and bao (bun). I finally figured out what a fish says (smacking/puckering lips). Uncle Ken showed me how to balance on one foot (sometimes I hold onto something). He keeps asking me if my foot needs fixing...so I raise my foot, and he uses the pliers I got from Jenna to fix them. I've mastered climbing on to my little chairs and I can open the doors in our house. I usually nod yes, rather than no. You can ask me almost anything and I'll nod yes. :)
Well, see everyone next year! Thanks for visiting my website and reading this crazy blog. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!